‘Remembering Ada’ - film

In 2017 the film-maker Nicolette Burford was inspired by reading the story of Ada Salter. She wanted to portray Ada’s life on film, her achievements in history and her influence today. It would be a docu-drama: Remembering Ada.

She gathered enthusiasts around her, began writing a script and filming interviews. All on a shoe-string budget. In 2019 they went to Ada’s home town of Raunds and filmed a touching scene in Thorpe House where Ada had lived. It shows Ada pregnant with Joyce, and her mother worrying about bringing up a child in the slums of Bermondsey.

Then came Covid, but in 2022 Nicolette revived the project. Her producer Jorg Wagner made a short but beautiful trailer, which can be viewed on YouTube.

Filming continues slowly but surely. New actors have been recruited and more scenes are being shot. Hopefully Nicolette’s original conception will be realised in full before too long.

Fund-raising is ongoing, and all contributions are welcome!


‘Red Flag Over Bermondsey - play


‘Sister Salter’s Visit’ - radio play